This is an digital artwork which I did for the company AUFAIT UX ,the idea behind this 
The exploration and explosions in my mind when I see the great animation movie named “Spider-Man across the spider-verse “I was so inspired to pick an art style from the movie and create a youthful and more nostalgic memories of the people who sees this .
This artwork have almost 89 layers to it and a lot of abstract textures too (which is mainly used the animation movie ) this art work which I call it “GRASP” .the reason behind the name is more of grasping your past memories and which also inspires to do the thinks you did on that old days 
I used Procreate to create this artwork
                                                                     Light study
This drawing is a freehand draw for me experiencing and exploring light study which is a crucial part of drawing or creating something on a 2D platform and make it look 3D .
The key element which makes this artwork more interesting with colours and give a sense of motion is because of the lighting 

These are different banners which did an experiment with colour .
The artwork represents my whole way of thinking and the two part of my imagination For example in this art work the left is more of giving an design perspective like everything is in a very structural and compressed version of it but in the right hand side u can see that it’s all very explos ive and outbreak of my imagination which effects the entire artwork . The end take is even if it’s designing something or creating an artwork my unique perspective art style touch will be visible 

    These are some of my concept artworks
Thank you

The grasp


The grasp
